Moving into Ash Wednesday with Action.

The Christian church has to be the most bizarre thing to witness as an outsider. I cannot imagine having 0 knowledge of Ash Wednesday and then seeing dozens of people with ashes on their forehead and Genesis 3:19 all over social media, “from dust you were formed, and to dust you will return.” I am sorry… formed from what?

Ash Wednesday in it’s most basic description, is a day to confess sins, ask forgiveness from God, and think about the fragility of our lives. It also marks the beginning of Lent. Lent observes the 40 days (ending with Easter) that Jesus spent fasting in the desert, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry. Ash Wednesday is a day filled with somber inward reflection, and conversations with the one who knows the depths of our souls greater than anyone else, God.

I have often struggled when sermons in the church do not line up with actions outside of it. For Ash Wednesday this year I not only want you to have a base level understanding of what we are observing, but also some action steps you can take during the day to truly live out what you will hear preached across pews in America. Let me leave you today with three things I truly think will help us to live out Ash Wednesday in a holy, beautiful, and meaningful way.

1.) Seek God continually.

What would it look like to set your alarm to go off every hour tomorrow to take 30 seconds, 3 minutes, or even 30 minutes to just talk to God. Maybe you tell God how sorry you are for the way you have been living. Maybe you tell God how mad you are at the life is going. Maybe you just sit with God, alone, in silence. Our prayer time is not always about what we say, but about being with God in the first place.

2.) Send 25 meaningful text messages. Answer every phone call (NO MATTER WHAT). Respond to every message or text the second you receive it.

I like to call this one the, “Bob Goff Method.” Bob Goff is a christian author who is committed to answering every call he gets. He even put his phone number in the back of one of his most popular best sellers in hopes to encourage people to call him because as promised, he would pick up the phone! When it comes to thinking about the fragility of our lives it only feels appropriate to live everyday communicating with the world as if it may be our last. When is the last time you told your boss what you appreciate about them? When is the last time you reminded your mom, a friend, a teacher, or even the grocery store bagger that they are amazing? When is the last time you truly lived the entire day getting back to people and appreciating them as if you wouldn’t have another day to do it? Ash Wednesday is a perfect day to start.

3.) Share scripture with someone.

As sweet as it can be, I don’t mean reminding the world that if they don’t repent, they are going to hell. I think because we are deeply connected with God and understand the meaning behind and the importance of repentance, there is a different message the world needs to hear today. It is a message of love, grace, unity, and sacrifice. We believe in a God who gave EVERYTHING to be connected to us. The world, more than ever, needs to see, hear, and be told that truth. Let me encourage you today to share Bible verses like,

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14
  • Romans 8:38 (my ultimate favorite)
  • Joshua 1:9
  • Psalm 36:7
  • Romans 5:5
  • 1 Peter 4:8
  • John 13:34-35
  • John 15:13

Take time today, as we inwardly reflect on our lives and relationship with Christ, to also share and be an encourager to others of how deep, how wide, and how beautiful God loves them.

Ultimately, I hope long beyond Ash Wednesday you are reminded that at your most vulnerable, your most unmasked face, at the depths of your darkest hour… God’s love is never stripped from you. “To dust you were formed, to dust you shall return…” All while clinging to the one who made us, loving the world as Christ did, & sharing His love as often, and as passionately, as we can.

Reverend Chelsea MacAdam

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