Let’s Hear it for the Boy!

There is a famous song by Deniece Williams called, “Let’s Hear it for the Boy”.  It features lyrics such as, “Let’s hear it for the boy, let’s give the boy a hand.  Let’s hear it for my baby, you know you gotta understand.  Maybe he’s no Romeo, but he’s my loving one-man show.  Whooa, whooa, whooa-oh, let’s hear it for the boy.”

This song is the tune of my heart for the man I call my husband, except replace the word boy with, “superman”.  I want to take some time today in my writing to give a cheer and holler for every man being a superhero dad and not getting encouragement.  I cannot log on Facebook without seeing a blog post, video arrangement, or meme about motherhood.  What I do not find very often when logging into social media are the cheers and fireworks for the dads, and I want this to be just that!

Thank you to the dads who stay at home, work, or provide for their families.  Thank you to the dads who while bending over to take their shoes off from a long day come back up with a baby in their arms.  Thank you to the dads that do bath time, bed time, blowout diaper time, reading time, and all the not-so-fun times in between.  Thank you to every dad brave enough to empty the diaper genies, put on the eczema cream, and heat up the breastmilk without spilling any.  Thank you to every dad taking their kid(s) to daycare everyday or being the daycare for their kid(s) everyday.


Thank you for being super heroes that don’t get featured in movies or as an action figure.  Thank you for being the rock of our families, the hope when it seems overwhelming, and the heart when we just “can’t” another second.

The backbone of our family is not “mom” and it is not “dad”, it is us.  It is our relationship with God, our connection, our love, and the way we choose to parent TOGETHER.  However, we wouldn’t be the parents to our baby that we are if it wasn’t for your constant effort, selflessness, and care.

To all of the dads out there doing an amazing job, supporting spouses/significant others, and working harder in the home than anywhere else… we see you, we love you, we thank you, and our worlds would not be the same or together without you.

PS- Huge shout out to my specific guy.  My hero, the love of my life, my best friend, and the greatest dad.